pypureclient.pure1 package



pypureclient.pure1.client module


Initialize a Pure1 Client.

Keyword Arguments
  • version (str, optional) – REST API version to use. Defaults to the most recent version.

  • app_id (str, optional) – The registered App ID for Pure1 to use. Defaults to the set environment variable under PURE1_APP_ID.

  • id_token (str, optional) – The ID token to use. Overrides given App ID and private key. Defaults to environment variable set under PURE1_ID_TOKEN.

  • private_key_file (str, optional) – The path of the private key to use. Defaults to the set environment variable under PURE1_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE.

  • private_key_password (str, optional) – The password of the private key, if encrypted. Defaults to the set environment variable under PURE1_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE. Defaults to None.

  • retries (int, optional) – The number of times to retry an API call if it failed for a non-blocking reason. Defaults to 5.

  • timeout (float or (float, float), optional) – The timeout duration in seconds, either in total time or (connect and read) times. Defaults to 15.0 total.


PureError – If it could not create an ID or access token


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